Sunday 28 October 2012

Did you know that our French drama course is starting on 6th November?

Audrey, French tutor at Alliance Française de Bristol, is resuming her very popular French drama courses this Autumn.
Can she tempt you to join up? Here is what she explains:
We are very happy to welcome you to this first session to learn French through drama. Learning and experiencing the language will happen in different ways:
 Each session will start with relaxation and breathing exercises, so you’ll learn through listening and being immersed in French ( écoute et immersion)
 We’ll do some pronunciation exercises ( exercices de prononciation)
 We’ll experience French sounds with our whole bodies ( expérimenter les sons du français à travers le corps)
 We’ll work on situations ( travailler à partir de situations)
 We’ll work on how to express feelings ( comment exprimer ses sentiments)
 We’ll discover some new vocabulary in context ( découvrir du vocabulaire en contexte)
 We’ll focus on one or more grammar point that we will particularly explore ( explorer la grammaire)
 We’ll write short dialogues / monologues for you to play ( écrire des dialogues ou monologues à jouer)
I And most of all, we'll have fun! ( et surtout, on va s'amuser!)

There are still a couple of places left on the course, do not hesitate to contact us, for more info...

Here is a short video of what happens at the end of the 10 sessions:

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