Sunday 28 April 2013

Let's talk about the sea ( la mer) as the holidays ( les vacances) are not far off:

Ginny and Sarah, both students in one of the French classes in Bristol have written poems on the sea in the shape of a kite ( un cerf-volant).
Here is the trick ( le truc):
You take one noun ( un nom) , you find two adjectives ( deux adjectifs) related to the noun, then 3  verbs ( trois verbes) also related to the noun and 4  nouns ( quatre noms) and you reverse the process. You have the shape of a kite!

Here is Ginny's:

bleue, tranquille
déferler, nager, plonger
ondine, clapotis, île, bateau
amarrer, faire naufrage, naviguer
ensoleillée, isolée,

And now Sarah's:

immense, plombé
s'élargir, s'étendre, présager
écume, flocon, secousse, vague
éclabousser, ruisseler, jaillir
rouge, lointaine,

If you  would like to learn new vocabulary and have fun with it, join one of our French courses, either our French intensive courses starting soon or our regular French groups. For more info...

Sunday 21 April 2013

Did you know that the next cineclub in Bath is on 26th April?

Alliance Française de Bath will show La tête de maman, by Carine Tardieu with Karin Viard, Chloë Coulloud and Kad Merad.

Lulu is 15 years old. A few years before she was born, her mother loved a man who left her. She has never smiled since then, Lulu wants to find this man to bring back a smile on her mother's face. Is bringing back the past a good idea?
Here is link to the trailer ( la bande annonce) to give you an idea:
La tête de maman
Do not hesitate to join students taking French classes in Bath and their French teachers next Friday at 7.30pm. For more info...

Sunday 14 April 2013

Horrid weather in Bristol! Temps infect à Bristol!

Let's treat ourselves to little pleasures ( les petits plaisirs), or at least let's imagine them if we don't feel like going out into the rain ( la pluie) and the wind ( le vent).
This is just what Audrey's French class did last week.
Here are some of the results:

If you can't read them, here they are:
L'apéritif avant un grand repas, en plein air ( apéritif before a big meal, outside)
Un rayon de soleil sur le lit qui nous réveille ( a ray of sunshine on the bed which wakes us up)
Dormir jusqu'à dix heures quand d'autres travaillent ( to sleep until 10 am when others are working)
La première tasse de thé de la journée ( the first cup of tea of the day)
Une ballade à vélo, un matin ensoleillé, sous le pont suspendu, avec de la musique ( a cycle ride, one sunny morning, under the suspension bridge, with some music)
Le sourire d'un étranger ( the smile of a stranger)
Siroter un bon vin rouge ( to sip a good red wine)

Can you think of some more little pleasures? Do not hesitate to put them in the Comment box.

There are still places for Alliance Française de Bristol workshop on la Picardie: it should be fun, with plenty to learn, GCSE level. For more info to join...

Monday 8 April 2013

Did you know that the next French drama course is starting next Tuesday?

Audrey, our French drama tutor is ready for the next 10 sessions of French drama classes.
You can watch all the videos of the last show on Youtube but here are some details of one of the sketches which takes place on a bus in Marseille:
An American tourist ( une touriste américaine) gets on the bus and asks how much it costs to go to Le Sacré Cœur which, of course, is in Paris. When she is told she is in Marseille, she remembers about la bouillabaisse ( a famous fish soup) which she thinks is a place and asks to go there..... Eventually, she takes the bus tour.
The next person to get on the bus, is an old lady ( une vieille dame) who takes the bus every morning ( chaque matin) to go to le centre ville and who asks each time how much it costs ( c'est combien?). Then she complains that it is too much ( trois euros) and says that she should have a discount as she is an old lady. But she will not get away with it!
The last person to get on is not a tourist ( pas un touriste) but a street artist ( un artiste des rues) a poet ( un poète) who does not want to pay any fare! The bus driver suggests that he walks ( il faut marcher alors!). Eventually, he pays deux euros.
Enjoy watching it, for more info...

If you would like to have fun and learn French at the same time, why not join the French drama course, there are a couple of places left. For more info...