Sunday 23 February 2014

Jeux Olympiques d'hiver: do you know how well France did?

Les JO d'hiver de Sotchi ( Winter olympics in Sotchi) were very promising for the French athletes and the results are very pleasing.
France got 15 medals ( 15 médailles), 4 more than in 2010.
French commentators have been talking of une moisson de médailles ( a crop of medals)
Le premier médailler ( the first athlete with a medal) was Martin Fourcade who got a gold medal ( une médaille d'or) in the biathlon.


Another result wich made every French commentator excited was the 3 medals ( le triplé) in the men's ski cross.
Otherwise, France received some silver and bronze medals ( des médailles d'argent et de bronze) in snowboard cross, ski half-pipe ( all French sounding disciplines!!!) and in saut à ski féminin ( female ski jump), ski de fond ( cross country skiing) and in slalom géant ( giant slalom).
There are more disciplines with proper French names such as:
le patinage artistique ( figure skating); le patinage de vitesse ( speed skating); le ski acrobatique ( free style skiing); la luge ( tobogganing); le ski alpin ( downhill  skiing)


There will be a quiz in March, organized by Alliance Française de Bristol, some answers may be in this post, you never know!!
For more info...

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