The word pétanque comes from the provençal: pé meaning pieds ( feet) and tanca meaning planté ( standing firm on one's feet). The game is thought to have been introduced by the Romans and has been played all over France ever since but the modern game follows the rule of the Provençal version. You can read about it in Le Château de ma mère by Marcel Pagnol.
Les boules were first made of argile ( clay), then pierre ( stone), bois (wood) and now acier ( steel).
You usually play in teams ( équipes) of two or three people and you can play on any terrain. The aim of the game is for the boules to get as near as possible to the goal ( le but ou le cochonnet). You need to throw ( pointer) the boule. You also try to stop your opponents to score by throwing ( tirer) your boule to hit their boule away from the goal. The first team to score 13 points has won.
If you would like to join students of Alliance Française de Bristol either to play or to watch next Saturday, check our website for more info...
If you would like to enrol on a French course, why not come to meet us on Saturday, 1st September at Redland library in Bristol. For more info...