Sunday 29 September 2013

Do you know Prenez soin du chien, a French novel by J.M. Erre?

Martine, French teacher with Alliance Française de Bristol, studied it with her Wednesday evening French tuition class.
It is the first novel written by J.M. Erre who teaches French in un lycée ( equivalent of 6th Form college) in Sète.
Rue de la Doulce-Belette, a corpse is discovered, Hector, Madame Brichon's dog disappears, then more corpses will appear as the novel progresses, paranoia and suspicion prevail... Who is doing what? Who is mad? Who is not? Read it and enjoy the wit and cleverness of the author.


Here is what some of Martine's students think of the book:
Je recommanderais ce livre parce que c’est un roman très intelligent, bien construit, avec beaucoup d’humour et d’imagination.  Joan
Pour les vacances, sur la plage, c’est léger, plein d’esprit avec des personnages excentriques. C’est facile à lire car le roman est divisé en petites sections. Jan
Je pense que l’écrivain est très ingénieux ainsi que le roman. J’aime beaucoup son utilisation de la langue. Le livre illustre la confusion entre le romanesque et la vie réelle. Sheila.

Both Alliance Française de Bristol et de Bath are still enrolling, at all levels, don 't hesitate to contact us. For more info...

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