Sunday 22 March 2015

A murder in Bristol!!!

Audrey asked her students in her Thursday French class to write a story about a murder ( un meurtre) or a premedited murder ( un assassinat) and who did her students choose to kill? Their French teacher!! ( Leur professeur de français!)
Here is one of the stories:

Audrey's body has been found, she has been killed ( tuée ou assassinée), one of her arms has been cut off ( elle a un bras coupé), the student who saw her body fainted ( est tombée dans les pommes) when she saw all this blood ( à la vue du sang). She was at home when the murder happened, a friend from the French class ( un ami du cours de français) called on her to borrow some secators ( pour emprunter des cisailles). He asked if they were sharp ( tranchantes).

After he left, she went to the pub and drank some gins and tonic, she paid the waiter, George with cash. ( elle a payé le garçon en espèces). She was at the pub when the murder took place and she was seen by quite a few people ( plusieurs personnes l'ont vue) so she has a cast iron alibi ( un alibi en béton).

I can assure you that Audrey is safe and sound ( Audrey est bien en  vie), I have just spoken to her ( je viens de lui parler).

Would you like to write crazy stories too? Or simply start learning French? For more info...

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