Sunday 10 July 2016

What would you do if you won the lottery?

Who among us hasn't imagined what they would do with the winnings (la cagnotte)?

This unusual book is perfect for the seaside (la plage).

It's the story of Jocelyne, who is married with a man called Jocelyn. She is more or less happy. She runs a haberdashery shop (une mercerie) in Arras. She also writes a blog about haberdashery, called Ten Gold Fingers (Dix Doigts d'Or). Her two best friends, twins (les jumelles) run a hairdressing salon (un salon de coiffure) and one day, they convince Jocelyne to play the lottery (le Loto).


It would spoil the book to tell you what happens next, but we'll tell you this; it's probably not what you are expecting!

Students in Audrey's class (one of our teachers) have studied the book this year, and then they all watched the film.

If you would like to join our classes, don't forget to look on our website for our September French courses and French events this Autumn, for more info...

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